Janet Pidoux

Janet was born in Penn, Buckinghamshire, where she still resides. She has been painting for over twenty-five years, starting with watercolor miniatures of wildlife and flowers. She now works in pastels as she loves the soft effect which can be achieved in this medium. Her favorite subject is feline art and she aims to capture the individual personalities and give them a life of their own.

Janet is a member of the Society of Women Artists and a member of the Society of Feline Artists. Janet is an award winning artist and contributed her work to a 2008 book published by the Feline Advisory Bureau called Essential Cattitude: An Insight Into the Feline World. Her work is featured on many products and can be found in collections worldwide.


Christmas Dog

Christmas Kittens

Curled Kitten Patterned Rug



Black Cat Fence

Curled Kitten


Four Cats


New Discoveries



© Janet Pidoux 2012 All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium is prohibited.

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